
When all hell breaks loose

The mind is a very busy organ, maybe because God made it the most important one.. It drives you towards thinking of things you’d be delighted to blot out, causing a battlefield of the mind in just two seconds. Some things just need to be left untouched right? 

The more you try and bury every thought of hurt and disappointment, the more you find yourself meditating on them continuously. Dissecting every part of the   Issue and trying to find a solution. 

Well, what if I say, sometimes you feel like there’s just no solution, but there always is: God. He knows anything and everything about all of it. He’s the beginning and the end remember?   
I’m sure even after I reminded you of who knows best, believing it is hard. There’s this thing called a cliché, maybe you think it’s one of those but it actually isn’t. 

My life was built on the status quo. I never allowed myself to go an extra mile into believing that someone greater than I am, fully has my back. I wanted to do things on my own, be my own boss, but God made me realize the harm I continuously created for myself. How I’d hurt myself every single day crying about what I thought couldn’t be changed. Yes, it might be impossible for us to rewind time but it definitely isn’t impossible for God to heal your heart. He can do it, even now, but only if you let him.  

It all started in the battlefield of the mind.